Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Graeme Le Saux Found Drinking in a Pub Shocker!

Graeme Le Saux, the ex-footballer and current winner of BBC27's "Celebrity I've Got A Limp Wrist and Listen to Erasure", was spotted drinking in a pub in Northampton today.
Allegedly he was drinking lager, however this cannot be confirmed.
One punter suspected that Le Saux was actually drinking his own urine.

The landlord asked Squirrel World News not to name him or the pub, for fear of anti Le Saux vandalism attacks on his public house.
The landlord was surprised to see Le Saux there however:
"I couldn't believe it when he walked in! I could've cried! In fact - I did. Twice. What the f are you doing here? I asked him. But he replied in a voice so gay, I had to run upstairs to be sick."

Graeme Le Saux in a pub having a drink earlier today

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